G20 Foundation Publications Australia 2014 | Page 24

distribute the influence of the single groups more evenly so the contents and recommendations developed by each group find their way into policy actions . It is decisive , that there is also more interaction and exchange between the groups , allowing the representatives to search for common ground and to work hand in hand on innovative solutions to achieve stronger , more sustainable and balanced growth .
Another point in this respect is to better exploit the potential for cross-group synergies by a better management of communication between the different groups . By this , the various strengths of the individual groups could be bundled to achieve common goals more efficiently . Besides these measures on the side of the work in the Outreach groups , it is necessary to increase the awareness of decision makers in the G20 process by a stronger presence of the Outreach groups in the preparation and follow up of the summits . By this , the Outreach format could play a more central role with more recommendations ending up making an impact on the G20 policies , contributing to transparency in the overall communication process , creating a broader public consensus for G20 commitments and raising the effectiveness of a governance process .
Most importantly , all these improvements are bound to remain inefficient if they are to be managed solely by the respective presidency of each year ’ s summit . To achieve a sustainable and precisely targeted communication process that provides solutions to challenges in the long-run , an additional facilitation of the process is needed that supports the respective G20 presidencies with a longrun perspective of the Outreach format . This would ensure that the Outreach groups can take a unified and continuous approach in tackling global challenges while adapting to the focus set by the annual G20 agenda . With an independent facilitator managing and monitoring the Outreach Dialogue , an important further step to ensure more transparency and broader public involvement in the Outreach Dialogue would be to establish recurring events in all partner countries .
The G20 Foundation supports this evolution by organizing events at the national level to reinforce the postsummit implementation process of selective items decided upon on the G20 level in cooperation with various stakeholders from the member countries . As a non-partisan Think Tank , we stimulate constructive and effective discussions in order to support the implementation of the G20 commitments on a national level . Thereby we foster the development of innovative solutions to global challenges , such as economic stability and sustainable growth .
The overriding goal of the Outreach Dialogue has to be an evolution from singular events in the surrounding of the annual G20 Summits to a continuous and coordinated effort working as an addition to the general G20 process . The use of the Outreach format has to be measured by the impact the developed recommendations have on policy making . This means that the highest priority in the near future have to be continuous improvements in the implementability of the Outreach recommendations , with more concise and precise targeting of the recommendations proposed by the individual groups . Only if the Outreach format is able to deliver practical and feasible guidance for the G20 governments it can provide added value and become a keystone of the G20 process .
Uncoordinated events under changing management are bound to remain ineffective and focused on short-term solutions , while a well monitored and managed communication process bringing together all major stakeholders of the G20 societies both on a G20 as well as on the local level can truly make a difference by providing targeted long-run policy advices and increasing awareness and transparency in the civil society .
With all the challenges we face as a global society it is absolutely essential to establish new approaches for international cooperation by connecting leading personalities from all relevant sectors worldwide on G20 issues . This is an opportunity to unite cultures , countries and people based on shared ideals .
By encouraging the world leaders to take on the decisive challenge of sustainable governance innovation and achieving a stronger economical and political integration we have a chance to build a more prosperous , sustainable , inclusive and peaceful world . ■