Fuzionz Magazine and TV 2014 Winter Special Edition | Page 50

Sharon Roshell (continued...)

Sharon's biggest influence has been her mother, the singer/songwriter told us. "I grew up hearing my Mom sing. She would put songs on the record player and she would march and get us to come behind her, march and clap our hands. Her best friend would come over and they would sing and we would have to play full-time, while they were singing."

"My Mom was always wanting us to sing and when we got older, she would actually take us to the nursing homes and to visit people who weren't able to attend church because they were sick. She would bring the keyboard, sing and play. She was an inspiration because she was a selfless person, so I didn't just learn music, I learned to give who I was to other people. That's one of the greatest gifts, is when you can learn to give yourself. With my Mom being in music, she definitely influenced me in that area," Sharon said.

Sharon released her Church Girl 20:14 CD on June 14, 2014. She elaborated on it: "The CD is like the address of where you can find me and what God has called me to speak about, which is about who you are and keeping the standards God has given you and be ok with those standards. We are in the social media age and everytime someone says something, someone is always attacking it. I was watching a talk show and two girls had made a decision to remain virgins until they marry. I was shocked to find out that on the talk show, everyone criticized them on that decision and criticized their parents and told them to have sexual freedom and for them to get to know who they are and what they want, instead of "Wow, you have standards" or "All of the stuff that's going on in the world, you girls are making a decision to stand for something," but instead, they were attacked. In my own life I found that same situation, the

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