FutureCurious Times 2017 2017 | Page 26

Keynote 2 : What will humans do when machines do it all ? continued ...
In this evolving new world we will have a physical world with all its old legacy ways of doing and having things ; a brand new digital world barely out of its infancy and still to show its true adult potential ; robots , drones and androids marching confidently over the hill ; rapidly changing cultures and habits ; burgeoning connected and intelligent technologies ; increasing populations ; decreasing jobs and ever-growing human desires all mixed together and simmering in a large pot called the future .
Who ’ s it for ?
People leaders , Human Resource , C-Suite , Directors , Middle to Senior Leadership Managers , Teams , Strategists who want to explore , map and plan for their people ( r ) evolution and future workplace
The Inquisitive – who need to know how humans and technology will co-exist in tomorrow ’ s workplace and who will be doing what , where , when and with whom / what .
Take a look at these new life , job and work frontiers ; uncover the jobs and industries that will flourish in the future and those that will disappear ; check out the workspace and workforce of tomorrow ; explore digital HR and how tomorrow ’ s leaders will inspire and manage a dynamic diverse tribe beyond time zones , language and geography and answer the question of what humans will vdo when machines are busy doing everything .