Future options December 2012 | Page 4

University careers

We can divide the different faculties existing in ten groups:

- Art and desing. Includes the faculties of architecture, interior design, design of fashion, graphic design, industrial design, music, art and urbanism.

- Agricultural sciences. Includes the faculties of Agronomy, environmental science, physician, veterinarian and zootecnista.

- Sciences acouting, administrative and economic. Includes the faculties of administration of companies, public accounting and audit, international trade, economics, statistics, marketing, tourism, finance and organizational leadership.

- Educational sciences. Includes the faculties of pedagogy and psychopedagogy.

- Health sciences. Includes the faculties of science and technology of food, medicine, nutrition and dietetics, dentistry, pharmacy, physical activity, sport and nursing.

- Exact sciences, physics, and natural. Includes the faculties of physics, geology, mathematics, chemistry, astronomy, biology and biochemist.

- Legal sciences. Includes the faculty of law.

- Religious sciences. Includes the faculty of theology.

- Social sciences and humanities. Includes the faculties of anthropology, archeology, library science, political science, social communication, philology, philosophy, geography, history, history of art, linguistics, literature, journalism, psychology, advertising and public relations, management of human resources, international relations, sociology, social work and translation and interpretation.

-Engine. Includes the faculties of Engineering in petroleum, civil engineering, electrical engineering, electronic engineering, surveying engineering, systems engineering, engineering in telecommunications, industrial engineering and mechanical engineering.

Differents university careers at the international level.


First is Harvard University, followed by Stanford University and by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). These are private

University career which are more studied and with best business outputs

Medicine and teaching are each year two races preferred by college students. Tastes dominate meet demand when deciding the future careers.

Industrial engineering is the most requested in the job offers. These graduates have more facilities to find a quality job, but other qualities such as language skills or experience are valued.

Links of interest

If you want to know in which position in the ranking of the best international universities is your college visit the following link:

Academy ranking of world universities

If you have doubts about which career University study, we recommend you take the test of vocational guidance that we provide in the following link.

Test de Holland


After completing a bachillerato's degree or a higher degree (only existing in Spain, by which lack of international value), you can opt to pursue a university career.

By Raquel González Trujillo