Future Me! | Page 104

A journalist Journalist’s activities. What journalists do?  The journalist has to interview, collect the latest news, transfer news for people who read the newspapers or watch them on TV .  A TV viewer or a newspaper reader gets information about incidents. Journalists interview people and witnesses.  Journalists collect information about music stars, sport stars or politicians’ life and all information transfer for all people who are interested in celebrities’ life and world news. Journalism education  New science journalism began to take shape with the development of technology, web, start to fill in scientific blogs created specialized agencies.  Journalism mediums vary differently from print publishing to electronic broadcasting and newspaper channels, including the Internet and digital technology.  If you want to become a journalist, you have to graduate a university. Journalist’s skills  Journalists have to be educated, know several foreign languages, be able to speak fluently and have good communication skills.  This profession requires a lot of patience and responsibility. Gustavas Zongaila, Lithuania