FUSE | Page 8

The Earth North Pole In order to understand why it is so cold at the Arctic, we need to first investigate the Earth, the way it turns and our seasons! North Pole Northern Hemisphere The Earth is divided into two sections – The Northern Hemisphere, and The Southern Hemisphere, divided by something called The Equator. The North Pole is at the very top of the Northern Hemisphere, and the South Pole at the very bottom of the Southern Hemisphere. The North Pole is where the Arctic lies, and this is the northernmost point on the Earth, and all directions from this Pole point South. DID YOU KNOW? The Earth is approximately 93 million miles from the Sun! The diameter of Earth is approximately 7,962 miles! 8 | FUSE Axis Direction of Earth’s spin South Pole The whole time the Earth is turning on its axis, day by day, it is also travelling on a journey around the Sun. It travels round the Sun in a 'stretched out' circle, called an ellipse. This journey takes a whole year. Southern Hemisphere The Earth The Earth spins around something called an axis. An axis is an imaginary line that runs from the nor ѡ