FUSE | Page 15

It also controls all of your voluntary muscles, which are the muscles you use when you want to move such as your arms and legs. The cerebrum also helps you to make choices – such as whether or not to tidy your room or go out and play. The Cerebellum This is below your cerebrum at the back of your brain. It is only 1/8 of the size of your cerebrum but it is still extremely important. It controls your movement, balance and coordination. The Brain Stem Your brain stem sits beneath the cerebrum but in front of the cerebellum. This is what connects the rest of your brain to your spinal cord which runs all the way down your neck and back. The brain stem is in charge of lots of important jobs – including controlling all of your involuntary muscles (the ones that work automatically). BRAIN Facts: The brain uses aro und 20% of your bo dy’s energy New brain connec tions are created e very time yo u form a memory When you are aw ake your bra produces in enough elec tricity to power a s mall lightbu lb 60% of your brain is fat Sphenopalatine g anglioneura is the scien lgia tific term for brain freeze When you learn s omething ne the structu w, re of your bra in changes FUSE 15