FUSE | Page 14

The Brain The Brain The brain is the body’s control centre – it is the boss of your body! It keeps all of the different parts of the body working smoothly and is responsible for all of your memories, thoughts and feelings. Your brain is more powerful and more clever than any computer ever made and it contains about 100 billion neurons in total! It is constantly dealing with hundreds of messages from the world around you. It gets the messages from your senses and these messages travel from nerve cells all over the body, along nerve fibres and to the nerve cells in your brain. Your brain is lots of different parts that all work together including: The Cerebrum This is the biggest part of your brain – in fact it makes up 85% of your brain’s weight! This is the part of your brain that does all of the ‘thinking’. It has two halves – and the right half of the brain controls the left side of your body and the left side of your brain controls the right side of your body! temporal lobe When you are trying to work something out you use your cerebrum. Your memories are also created and live in your occipital cerebrum. This includes the lobe short-term memories you create (such as what you had for breakfast this morning) and the long-term memories you create (such as where you went on cerebellum holiday four years ago). brain stem 14 FUSE parietal lobe frontal lobe