FUSE Winter 2015-2016 | Page 2

H ello, Fusers! e mythical past w ar...and from the ye re tu fu e th Greetings from us? Good!) (Sounds mysterio s. ge pa e es th explore in anet s and ct s about the Pl fa l ua us un ith , igue you w tivity with Music -We want to intr spark your crea to m ai e w en ion. Th Worn out yet? Human Hibernat l Stor y or two... ca gi lo ho yt M a en onehenge Greetings and ev about Barbie®, St g in lk ta ill st re cause we’ Photo Quiz! We hope not be d there’s even a an h, O s. rt po Re ser and the latest Fu Phew. w are we doing? SE this year. Ho FU to s ge an ch of huge thoughts – and We have made suk.org with your lu lp ia nt te po ! @ set in this edition Email us at fuse of the challenges y an to s ie pl re course your ok around. in and have a lo e om -C ! gs tin Gree CONTENTS: 3 Librophilia! 4-5 ✸✸✸✸iScience:✸ Planets✸with✸Fuser report 6 ✸✸✸✸ 7✸✸✸ iScience:✸ Weird✸Hibernation✸✸ iMaths:✸Shapes✸&✸ Numbers✸in✸Stone✸&✸Ice 8✸✸✸✸✸ 9✸✸ 10 ✸ 11 ✸ 12 ✸ 13 ✸✸ iArts:✸Tchaikovsky✸&✸Barbie Associate Editor : Gillie✸Ithell Design and art direction:✸Max✸Plathan Address:✸Potential✸Plus✸UK,✸Suite✸1.6,✸Challenge✸House,✸ Sherwood✸Drive,✸Bletchley,✸Milton✸Keynes,✸MK3✸6DP Tel:✸01908✸646433 Email:✸[email protected] Copyright✸2015✸Potential✸Plus✸UK.✸All✸rights✸reserved.✸ FUSE✸is✸published✸by✸Potential✸Plus✸UK✸(operating✸ name✸for✸The✸National✸Association✸For✸Gift✸ed✸Children).✸ Should✸you✸wish✸to✸use✸articles✸or✸other✸material✸ from✸FUSE✸we✸are✸happy✸to✸consider✸requests✸and✸ will✸require✸full✸source✸acknowledgement. 2 FUSE 14-15 Activity✸continued✸(older):✸ iWords:✸Greetings!✸ Storywriting✸Using✸Myths✸ iTech:✸Space✸Age...✸ iWorld:✸...in✸the✸Real✸World Thinking✸Skills:✸Chillax!✸ Activity✸(all✸ages):✸ Storywriting✸Using✸Myths 16 ✸ 17 ✸ 18 ✸ 19 ✸ 20 ✸ iMatter:✸Fuser report Photo✸Quiz Activity✸Mix✸ Cool✸Weblinks✸ Back✸Cover TOPNOTCH CONTRIBUTORS: Mia, Olivia, Poppy, Òrla, Samantha, Nicki & Michael, Sarah Box.