FUSE Winter 2015-2016 | Page 18

ACTIVITY MIX These Activities link in to articles all through this FUSE. there is a 'Cool Weblink' Where you see a star waiting on the opposite page 19. ✰ Art & Maths Get folding, snipping and hanging out your paper shapes – or give the cool, symmetrical snowflake generator a whirl online! ✰ Weathery Word Challenge They say some languages have “100 words for snow”. We tried hard but struggled to think of any snow-y descriptors in English without the word 'snow' in already! -Snowdrift... snowball... powdery snow... hmmm...100 words? -We only seem to have...“snow”! What about the word 'rain'? Hooray! -Very little rain in sight! We thought of raindrop...but then flood...puddle... (Even ice and river don't use the word 'rain'.) -What others can you think of? Music, Nature & Maths Q: What do you call music at Stonehenge? A: A 'rock' concert..?! (Groan!) Was Stonehenge actually designed for 'rocking' out to music, sound vibration and echo off the And did you know the Carn sarsen stones? Menyn ridge 'bluestones' have been found to ring like bells? ✰ ✰ Listen to the wacky stone-circle soundfile reconstructions of clapping, drumming and ancient Wilsford flute on Cool Weblinks. -Be inspired! ✰ Compose soundbites using raw materials like stone, wood, sand and twigs brushing, knocking or snapping. Meditate on nature and develop a longer, chill-out track. So here's the challenge! Which Weathery Words do you think are missing from the English language? Why can't we describe a 'snow puddle' or 'sun flood'...or the perfect 'wind-waft' and 'middle-heat' conditions for biking?! Email us at [email protected] and let's get inventing some brand new words! Outdoor Eco Set up hibernation sites and ✸ safe retreats or watering ✸ holes for overwintering ✸ creatures. Build a bat box – or even install a ✸ nestbox camera! ✸ ✰ Shuffle, stamp and clap – or overlay your own beatboxing! Experiment with speed, timing, silence, echo... and investigate online the freaky effects of soundwave interference and diffraction. ✰ An Astro-Archaeologist's Alternative... Awesome geometry seems to be written all over Stonehenge -discover the ways it tracks the sun, moon and stars. ✰ 18 FUSE