FUSE Summer 2017 | Page 15

FUSE Young Reporter Following the speech I had the ple asure of Johnny Ball's riveting presentat ion on 'Wonders Beyond Numbers'. Following that, I attended Mad Sci ence – a fascinating demonstration and an atomic fusion of fun! I was so fascinated that I continu ed on this theme by taking part in a slim e- making activity that I had long desired to engage in, but had not before had the opportunity to do. The next activity that caught my lls attention was a TV Presenting Ski s- workshop run by Hannah William w sho TV Lovell, a former Milkshake how presenter. She provided advice on TV a ting sen to be confident when pre nnah show. Here are three tips from Ha that really helped me: set; 1. Don't be a drama queen on m and tea each person is part of the t you couldn't do the show withou every one of them. 2. Pretend that the camera is one of your close friends that you are having a casual catch-up with. m 3. Before the show, listen to cal music so you won't feel nervous. Fin ally I ended the day with a magic show where Matthew Garret, a full member of The Magic Circle, amazed us with lots of epic performances and tricks such as balloon tricks, card tricks and much more! I thoroughly enjoyed Potential Plus UK's 50th anniversary celebration at Cranfie ld University. I hope to attend many more, wonderful, fun days like this . Hypnotic! Matthew Garret’s mag ic FUSE 15