FUSE Summer 2016 | Page 5

iSCIENCE Astronaut Updates! For over a year now, FUSE has followed the International Space Station, ISS. TIM PEAKE AND ROCKET SCIENCE The 2kg of Space-travelseeds have now safely arrived at thousands of British schools and educational groups. Students have 35 days to plant, grow and compare any seedlings to a 'control group' that stayed on Earth. Do you fancy a career with plants and science? Tim says; “It’s possible that among those pupils taking part in the [Rocket Science] project are the young people who will help mankind reach the next big milestones in Phot o: ESA April 24th 2 016: Tim ru ns th e enti re 26 m iles of th e London Ma rathon –i n Space! Space exploration for the benefit of people on Earth. […] the next generation of horticultural scientists.” SCOTT KELLY GOES ALL SENSITIVE! After a whopping 340 days aboard the ISS, why is Scott having to dress differently? Since March 2nd 2016 when he came back down to Earth, Scott says he is feeling well despite some “muscle soreness and fatigue” – but skin sensitivity is a huge problem! nerve receptors at the hair bulb and in the skin. Scott says “because my skin hasn't had significant contact with anything for so long –in Space, clothes just float around you– it's very, very sensitive. It's almost like a burning feeling wherever I sit or lie or walk.” Touch and even air movement is sensed by We feel really bad for you, Scott, because so many FUSE CHECK OUT: • ACTIVITY: TOP JUMPS! • iMATTER: FUSER REPORT – GLIDERS • COOL WEBLINKS readers too are driven crazy by scratchy clothes' labels, itchy hats and lumpy socks! –Horrible. Scott also gr ew nearly 4 cm taller in Spac e! (Earth's grav ity has already bro ught him back dow n to size.) Plus...i n a nsw er to a questi on from F USE S u m mer 2015 ; Astrophysici st Nei l deGra sse T yson cla im s Einstei n's theory of relativ ity DOES mea n Scott got you n ger compa red to h is tw in brother ! – By a sma ll but incred ible 1 /100 second! FUSE 5