FUSE Summer 2016 | Page 4

iSCIENCE HAIR- RAISING! To look at our FUSE ‘Summ-hair’ 2016 theme in ‘fur’-ther detail.......here is a ‘bunch’ of human hair-related info for you. Each amazing human body is covered in about 5 million hairs! This diagram shows how it is only the part called the hair shaft that we see poking out of our skin. The 'living' part of the hair lies beneath the skin's surface inside a tiny organ called the hair follicle. Each hair's journey begins in the bulb at the bottom of the hair root and is nourished by blood vessels through the hair's fixing point at the papilla. As each hair edges to the skin's surface, the tough protein called keratin is deposited into its cells. Sebaceous glands feed and waterproof every strand with healthy oils ready for life on the outside! And...does that really say "muscle"? Surprisingly, yes! When you get cold, tiny hair erector muscles react and shorten ('contract'). This pulls the hair follicle and makes the hair shaft stand on end. You might see 'goose bumps' where the skin bunches up around the hairs. This whole chain-reaction traps bodytemperature air close to our skin and helps keep us warm. Scalp Science ££ There are around 100,000 hairs on a healthy head ('scalp') of black or brown hair. ££ Redheads generally have more like 90,000 strands of hair. ££ Blondes have thinner strands although up to 140,000 of them. ££ Human hair grows by about 1.25 cm per month; 15 cm per year. ££ For most people, the longest a single hair will grow is (in distance) 1 metre...or (in time) 1 to 6 years! ££ Each hair is at its own stage in the growth cycle. ££ 50-100 hairs fall out every day. CHECK OUT: • iMATHS: MATHS AT WORK • iTECH: HAIRY MATERIALS! • iWORLD: THE AFRO 4 FUSE