FUSE Summer 2016 | Page 14

FUSER 500 WORDS: Fitting In older readers Flowing through me in the air, fear, fear everywhere. Tired, tired my only feeling. Never ending, never resting. Murky, murky everything is murky. Climbing, climbing is all I could do. Gloominess and darkness is all I could see. I had to climb. “Desperate, tired, weary” were all I could say. Dull, dull, everything is dull. Rocks, rocks everywhere. From the darkness, into the darkness. Cold, cold freezing cold. Everlasting, heart-piercing. 14 Rocks, stones, even me; all dull, just dull. I failed. I couldn’t return home. I had to stay here, but I can’t stay here; it’s a mountain. I would die of starvation. Dark, dark gloomy dark covering the mountain like a blanket. I have to go back. Fear, fear all around. I shook off the thought but FUSE I can’t! I have to. some of it remained. Home is on the other side of the mountain. I was tiredly walking back to my failure, but if I turned back I’d still walk to my downfall. I still would keep on walking even if it took me my life, I would still keep walking, walking. Even if I had to go round the world I would still keep walking and walking. Even if I died I would still keep walking and walking, then I would stop. I can’t fail; they’ll laugh at me and throw it back in my face, the words I said. The boasting I did, if only I could take it all back, but I can’t. The past is the past, only the future can be written. I still can write the future, well, I can’t write it, it’s up to fate to decide. I think I should rest. As the crackling of the fire died down I prepared myself for the journey ahead. I woke in the morning, still tired but there was no time to lose. I walked without stopping for three whole hours until I saw the break