FUSE Summer 2016 | Page 10

North America
The “ Afro ”!



A continent .
2nd largest continent in the world by size and number of people (‘ population ’).
Holds the Sahara Desert ( world ’ s largest ) and Nile River system ( world ’ s longest ).
Over 50 countries .
The country called South Africa lies in the south of Africa .
Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania is Africa ’ s highest point .


Around 40 million people in the US call themselves African-American .
This means their families came from Africa and they have inherited dark skin pigmentation from one or both parents ( or other ancestors ).
Barack Obama was born in America and his father was Kenyan . In 2008 , he made history by being voted the first ever black , African-American U . S . President .

North America

A continent .
3rd largest continent in the world .
23 countries plus many more ‘ territories ’.
Includes countries like Mexico , Canada , Bermuda and the island of Greenland ( world ’ s largest ).
All of the Caribbean islands and Central America lie within North America – as does the whole of the USA !
The United States of America ( USA )
A country .
Also called the United States , US or America .
Made up of 50 ‘ states ’ ( like small countries ), plus the ‘ federal district ’ of Washington D . C . where the US President works in The White House .

The “ Afro ”!

An “ Afro ” is the super-curly , supercool natural hairstyle of many people with African heritage .
It may look coarse , but black hair is usually fine and breaks easily .
Each strand forms a tiny , springshaped helix like seashells , a powerful mini-whirlwind or the double-helix of DNA !