Fundraising Guide (English) June 2014 | Page 35

CHAPTER 6: WHAT TO DO AFTER YOU GET THE GRANT Congratulations! Now what? about their funding by name. In your annual report and financial statements, you can list the donor as “anonymous,” but don’t ever list them by name. In conversations with people outside the organization, you can refer to them as “an anonymous donor.” ALWAYS thank your donors! When you receive notice of an award, send an email or call the funder to say thanks. A personal note or card signed by the executive director is a nice gesture. When you receive the official paperwork, be sure to review it carefully, and make note of any reporting requirements. Keep a file with all the foundation paperwork in it, and put any reporting deadlines on your calendar. Toward the end or after the grant period, you will be required to send a progress report and/or a financial report to the foundation detailing what you achieved how you spent the grant funds. Make sure you keep track of this well in advance! MAINTAINING YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE FOUNDATION Getting a grant is just the start of your relationship with the foundation. The worst mistake you can make (besides failing to thank the donor) is to forget about them until the final report is due. You want to continue to cultivate a positive relationship with the foundation so that they’ll want to fund you again!  Give your program officer regular updates on your progress, Don’t let them forget you, but don’t get in touch too frequently (weekly might be too much; quarterly is reasonable). When you have good news or important developments to report, let them know right away. Don’t let them be surprised at the end of the grant period. Some foundations will send you two originals of an award letter and ask you to sign both of them and return one, keeping one for your records. Others will just send you a letter and your grant check or ask for bank wiring instructions. Send back any required paperwork (signed by the responsible person in organization – usually the executive director) promptly. Keep a copy of the letter and the check on file: it’s important for your financial records.  Sign the foundation’s program officer up for your newsletter/mailing list, if you have one, so they get regular communications from your organization. Send a formal thank you letter on your organization’s stationary to the foundation when you receive payment. Be sure to include in the letter the title of the project, any grant number assigned by the foundation, the grant period, and a brief summary of the project (one phrase or one sentence).  up meetings a couple of times a year to talk Set about progress on your grant. These can be done by telephone, but it’s even better if you can do an in-person meeting. If you plan to travel to the city where the foundation is located, ask whether you can come visit the foundation’s office and meet with program officer. You can also invite the program officer to your location if he/she has any plans to travel to your area. Don’t forget to acknowledge your donors. Don’t just thank them personally, but also list them as donors on your website or online profile, in your organization’s annual report, at your fundraising and other public events, and in your publications (especially if grant money supported production of these materials). Some foundations include information about how they want to be acknowledged in their award letters and grant agreements or on their website.  Invite the foundation to visit your organization or project during the grant period. If you plan to organize any public events, invite them to