Full Circle Digital Magazine February 2014 | Page 35

BUSINESS ZIG ZIGLAR - True Performance - Attitude Ask the doctor if being too stupid for chronic depression is right for you. Married To The Sea.com ATITUDE - Nice collection of quotes 6. DON’T TAKE YOURSELF SO SERIOUSLY. If you want to be happier and make those around you feel more comfortable, cultivate the ability to laugh at yourself.  If you don’t (or can’t) laugh at yourself, I guarantee you that the people you work with are laughing behind your back! ATTITUDE IS ALTITUDE Nicholas James Vujicic was born without arms or legs but the love he holds overcomes any physical limitation from Life without Limbs to Life without Limits! 7. FORGIVE THE LIMITATIONS OF OTHERS. High standards are important, but humans are...well, human. It’s crazy to make yourself miserable because other people can’t do a job as well as you think you could, or when people don’t share your vision with the same passion that you feel. 8. SAY “THANK YOU” MORE FREQUENTLY. Achieving an “attitude of gratitude” requires more than simply being aware of what’s wonderful in your life.  You must, and should, thank other people for their gifts to you, even if that gift is something as simple as a smile. NAPOLEON HILL - Think And Grow Rich ORIGINAL Full Length published in march 1937 FULL CIRCLE DIGITAL MAGAZINE NOVEMBER 2013 BUSINESS SUBSCRIPTION FOR A FREE DIRECTORY February 2014 35