Fuel up for Fun! Fuel up for Fun! | Page 23

MEAL IDEAS GREEK-TO-GO SALAD: Pack each item separately: chunks of seeded cucumber, and plum tomatoes, crumbled feta, minced pitted kalamata olives, sliced green onion, chunks of sweet green pepper, slices of grilled lamb, beef, pork or chicken, and bottled Greek vinaigrette. To serve, combine all ingredients in a large sealable container or freezer bag and serve hand-held in whole wheat pita or naan bread. Food Synergy: There’s power in combining whole nutrient-rich foods versus eating one instead of the other. For example, when eaten together meat helps boost iron absorption from plant-sources by 150% while legumes and whole grains offer fibre that meats do not. These foods belong together in a variety of combos for balance and variety.