FTA 2018 Routes of Faith 1 | Page 3

WELCOME 4 FLICKR-DENNIS CONTENTS EDUCATION • How can I fi nd new and interesting faith destinations to visit? • Who can help me plan an itinerary that works for my group? • How can our faith journey be more meaningful? This issue addresses these questions and also leads you to FTA tour operators who can help. These tour operators, also members of FTA’s parent organization, the National Tour Association, are savvy travel professionals who know the industry and have the answers you need. Flip to page 6 to learn why it makes sense to trust an FTA tour operator. FTA tour operator Collette has been in business for 100 years—learn about its history and unique faith-based tours. 8 Welcome to the fi rst issue of Faith Travel Association’s Routes of Faith for 2018! I hope this magazine serves as a valuable resource as you plan your faith-based journeys. If you’re looking for a reliable helping hand to assist you with the decisions and details to ensure a successful trip, this publication is for you. Along the way you may have questions, such as … Routes of Faith also provides ideas about places to visit both near and far and the tour operators who can get you there. In fact, one FTA member featured in this issue, Collette, is celebrating 100 years in business in 2018. Turn to page 4 to read all about it. It’s great to see a company with so much longevity in the travel industry sharing its knowledge and expertise with us. When you’re ready to plan your trip, FTA tour operators are here to help create the journey of your dreams. Here’s to a future fi lled with faith travel! INSPIRATION Mount Kilimanjaro and so much more to explore in Tanzania. 10 Blessed journeys, Kay Saffari, FTA Coordinator +1.859.264.6603 [email protected] DESTINATION Discover the Canadian province of Québec as a faith-travel destination. meet the members 13 ON THE COVER FOLLOW US Learn about the people and organizations who belong to FTA. #faithtravelassociation Local women at the shore of Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania. See story on page 8. Published by Editor Writer Graphic Design Faith Travel Association Doug Rentz Kay Saffari Anna Pettus faithtravelassociation.com 3