FSU Pioneers | Page 12

Faulkner Portrait Image courtesy of Independent Association of Framingham State Alumni Sophia 1851-1933 international educator for the blind Sophia Faulkner graduated from Framingham Normal School in January 1867. After graduating, she taught at the renowned Perkins Institution, a specialized school for the blind founded by Dr. Samuel Gridley Howe. It was here that she met her husband, blind Tennessean Sir Francis Campbell, co-founder of the Royal Normal College for the Blind in London and a lifelong advocate for education for blind pupils. He selected Faulkner to be one of his teachers on staff at the newly opened Royal Normal College for the Blind at his urging. The Royal Normal College flourished under Lady Sophia Campbell’s supervision. She was appointed Lady Superintendent, and thus had some power over curriculum and staff, and was widely respected by her pupils, and by notable people in involved in the British educational system. The Campbells’ children would go on to follow in their parents’ very large footsteps by raising funds for blind education, teaching at Perkins, and managing the American office of the Royal Normal School. Lady Campbell’s daughter and granddaughter were