Friendship across Cultures Vol. 1 | Page 52

We agree with the idea that friendship is the most important feeling in the world and we think that we should all have the right to know other religions, cultures, peoples of other cultures, races ...and we have to know that we have to respect any culture in the world.

One of the main advantages of having done this work is that we learned more about what it is to be from another culture, that is, we have learned how to deal with people from different cultures or races.

This project started in the 1st term. We wrote letters to a friend in Morocco. The 1st letter was about Christmas and we introduced ourselves.

In the second letter we exchanged, we talked about some monuments from each country! In this third part of the project we talked about some advantages of this work and how it was to work with people from another culture, religion and race.

“So why are friends from different cultures important?”

It is important to have friends from other cultures because we learn to be more understanding, kinder, to accept others as they are and we learn to have the notion that we are not all the same.

The project was quite good, with no communication problems, no problems in talking to each other, and most importantly, we were always ready to get the job done!

Friendship Across Cultures

Marta Ruas | Selma Allam
