Friendship across Cultures Vol. 1 | Page 40



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A project as big as this changes the way we see friendship across cultures. We may think that a friendship at such a great distance can have little meaning, but with this project we can see that even though not being face to face we can be friends through letter exchanges or emails.

This project allowed us to know the culture of two completely different countries better. We learned about the customs of each country, its traditions, common habits, e.t.c.

This project has meant a lot to us, because besides knowing new cultures, customs and traditions, we now have a different perspective regarding friendship between different cultures.

Friendship Across Cultures

Gonçalo Fonseca


Hello, today we have come to talk about our friendship across borders or friendship across cultures.

We will start with a small introduction to the project, but we will also talk about our communication difficulties and how this work affected the way we perceive friendship.

teachers presented this idea to us and we exchanged letters in December. It continued in March with the second letter exchange and unfortunately it will end in June with this magnificent idea.

Sometimes in relations of friendship between countries so far away, there are difficulties of communication, and with us it was no exception. Our communication difficulties were obvious at the beginning, because there were some expressions we couldn’t understand, or even the handwriting was sometimes a struggle, but none of this prevented our efficient communication.

Finally, let's hope that you have enjoyed our text on this topic, we only wrote about the themes that we think are the most important. We think we proved that it is possible to have a true friendship among people from different cultures.