Friendship across Cultures Vol. 1 | Page 19

Friendship is when you find someone you know you can count on and trust. A friend is someone who is always there for you. We can say that having friends close to us is good and comforting, but having friends across cultures is something different.

Having friends from other countries and cultures can change the way we view the world. And we can share our culture with our friends and vice versa, we can celebrate way more holidays, food, and we can also share and learn languages.

In our opinion, in this exchange project there were no negative things, no communication issues between us.

To be a part of this project was a privilege and we are both grateful for this opportunity, but there's only one bad side. We now feel a huge desire to meet and visit each other’s countries, embrace each other and create stronger ties.

Nobody should be afraid of the unknown. Every day we come across new things and this is a lesson we all must take for life!

So, let’s learn more, the world needs it! It's time to put aside all the things that prevent us from real happiness and from finding friends in different places. This can lead us to new experiences in life: taste new flavors, celebrate new cultures, learn new languages.

But what is friendship? Friendship is more than shelter, it is security. It is more than happiness, it's a sea of smiles. It is something you build together, with dedication and love. Friendship is when two hearts come together for something huge, something too good to be explained. This is friendship, something that crosses oceans but never gives up. And this is what happened to us, thanks to this project!

Beatriz Pereira Widad Soubai
