FreestyleXtreme Magazine Issue 21 | Page 41

Inside the cover :

Adidas Snow

Photography by James North
Armed with shovels and accompanied by snowboaders Angus Leith and Corey Copeland , the adidas crew took photographer James North to Austria to get some awesome shots of the guys boosting a road gap over their team truck . With the cover in the bag , Angus and Corey were kind enough to chat to us afterwards .
5 minutes with ...

Angus Leith

Where are you from ?
Aviemore , up in the highlands of bonny Scotland .
How did you first get into snowboarding ?
I started skateboarding when I was nine or ten I think - and was just hyped on snowboarding after that as well . A few years later my mum and dad managed to get me some kit and a pass to the resort next to Aviemore in the Cairngorms .
First board ?
It was a Silence . It was an ex-rental girls ’ board . I was so hyped to have a board . I do remember being a wee bit gutted it didn ’ t have a cool graphic though , ha !
Who was your snowboarding inspiration ?
I think when I was young it was all the Forum 8 boys . But mostly it was all the boys that took me under their wing as a young grommet , gave me s ** t , gave me love , taught me the way . The North 57 crew and the Rome UK family .
When did you know you wanted to do it for a living ?
I would love to do it for a living ! I work for the summer , save and shred all winter . Loving life .
Most underrated place to board ?
The Cairngorms when it is good – that ’ s epic times . To me , the Cairngorms is the most underrated place ... even if the company that run it are scum .
Favourite trick to stomp ?
Any new trick when you do it right . In the sense that it felt good and you did it how you wanted it . I do love a cheeky wee 3 though .
Any tricks or locations still on your to-do list ?
So many . So , so many . I can imagine that most snowboarders are like that . There are a few spots in particular around Aviemore and nearby that I really want to do but it never seems to be on when I can do them . A good few trees , stones , wooden rails , concrete ledges , strange shape bumps . All that good s ** t .
Favourite way to spend a day off the slopes ?
Maybe going for a skate , chilling with friends and family , getting a bevvy in the sun , listening to tunes , getting on the sesh .
Favourite music ?
A lot of hip-hop , grime , funky soul stuff , reggae , house / techno / electronic disco good stuff . Open to everything . I really like listening to full albums . Finding a good producer and looking up their work . Stuff that has a story behind it , stuff that ’ s banging , stuff that ’ s abstract , stuff that makes you happy . I just love music .
Favourite food ?
For sure that is an impossible question to answer . I should be fat the amount I munch . Probably my mum and dad ’ s food . When I am not broke , I like eating nice fancy food in nice restaurants like a posh ****. And drink Bloody Marys .
What ’ re you up to next ?
Just gonna be working until mid- December ish . Might try to get a wee week away before Christmas to get my legs back from the summer . Hopefully it proper snows up Aviemore way , before January . Then January onwards I will do whatever is on . Get some trips on the go , film some stuff . Go on some trips for an article or whatever , ya know . t