FreedomEdge Patient Guide | Page 20

Q . How can the smaller 26 gauge HIgH · Flo sets flow at the same rate as other brand sets using larger 24 gauge needles ?
A . HIgH · Flo needle sets are carefully designed to optimize fluid flow for the most efficient handling of drugs . This efficiency translates into higher flow rates from smaller diameter needles .
Q . What is the least painful way to insert RMS HIgH · Flo Subcutaneous Safety Needles™ ?
A . Many patients tell us that they grab the wings above the needle , then pinch the skin at the selected infusion site as close together between their fingers as possible , and insert the needle with a dart-like motion into the pinched area . This seems to produce the least resistance to the needle sliding in .
You may notice that the HIgH · Flo butterfly wings are very flexible , making this procedure easy . Each site should be at least 2 ” apart and needles should be inserted at a 90 ° angle , as mentioned on page 11 . You can also talk to your provider about premedication .
Q . I heard I should insert the needles dry . What is the reason for this ?
A . Patients have found that inserting needles wet with immunoglobulin is irritating to the mast cells in the skin , so inserting dry allows the needles to penetrate into the subcutaneous layer without impacting the mast cells . This may result in less pain . If medication ends up on the needle tip , do not touch the needle . Allow the needle to dry for a few minutes before insertion .
Q . Why is a 3M Tegaderm™ dressing supplied with each needle ?
A . Consensus from several medical centers and many patients was that genuine 3M Tegaderm™ is preferred by