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THUNDERBIRDS ARE GO! THE GREAT NEWS IS THAT THUNDERBIRDS ARE BACK. THUNDERBIRDS ARE GO, IS BACK ON THE TELLY THAT'S ITV AT 5PM ON A SATURDAY. J ust as the puppets were state of the art in the ‘60s, a combination of fantastic and very real sets combined with CGI. It looks great and includes international superstars like Rosamund Pike and the original Parker, David Graham. So let’s recap for those who may not remember Gerry and Sylvia Anderson’s original. Whenever disaster strikes, International Rescue answers the call! From their hidden island base in the south Pacific, the five Tracy Brothers pilot remarkable, cutting-edge Thunderbird vehicles from the depths of the oceans to the highest reaches of space all for one purpose: to help others in need. International Rescue’s identities may not be widely known, but their heroism is legendary. Even the devious schemes of mysterious international criminal ‘The Hood’ can’t weaken their resolve, or stop them from battling the dangers of the year 2060. Supported by mechanical genius Brains, stealthy operative Kayo, their jet-setting London agent Lady Penelope and her loyal driver Parker, Scott, Gordon, Virgil, John and Alan Tracy live for these three words: Thunderbirds Are Go! David Graham, on Parker the droll, unflappable Cockney bloke who always refers to Lady Penelope as “m’lady.” Why do you think the character remains so popular? It just appealed to people. It was a fairly small part originally, and it just grew and became Gerry Anderson’s favourite character. Parker just seemed to resonate with people, and I hope he still does. I think people like that Parker’s a reformed character and Lady Penelope keeps him on the straight and narrow. What’s it like working with Rosamund Pike as Lady Penelope? It’s great. Rosamund is lovely to work with and she’s very good. I feel like we’ve just left off where we began. I did see Gone Girl too, it was wonderful, she was the best thing in it! Has the character changed at all? I think he’s just his old self, his old charming villainous self. I never thought it It was easy to do Parker’s voice again, it’s in my vocal DNA. How did you become involved in the original Thunderbirds series? I met Gerry Anderson just on a TV film, we just got talking and he said he was hoping to make children’s programmes and needed some voices, and that’s how it started. 7