Franchise Update Magazine Issue IV, 2012 | Page 6

From the editor’s desk BY Kerry Pipes Franchise update|Q4 CHAIRMAN Gary Gardner CEO Therese Thilgen H Growing Better, Not Bigger both new and existing franchisees. Every ow do you measure growth? It’s an interesting question. unit is important—at least it should be. As I flew home from our recent Sure it’s important to expand the brand, Leadership & Development Conference, establish marketplace dominance, and I found myself reflecting on the numerous beat competitors to the punch. But the conversations I had (and overheard) with brand’s units must be strong and healthy some of franchising’s most savvy profes- or it all turns into a house of cards and sionals. CEOs, presidents, collapses. and development executives Perhaps this new “unitRather than from brands both large and spend energy focused” strategy helps exsmall, food and non-food, plain why some established and dollars retail, and service rubbed brands are beginning to imbuilding out elbows during the event, plement remodeling and respoke up during sessions, new store after design policies for their units. and conversed in the hallIt’s important for franchises new store, ways from early morning many brands to offer their customers the to late at night. Time after best of everything and do it are investing in a clean, refreshed envitime, discussions turned to in revamping ronment. Rather than spend growth and brand development. Interestingly—and I’d existing units. energy and dollars building say positively—many execs out new store af FW"