Franchise Update Magazine Issue III, 2016 | Page 12

ceoprofile break the tie . But as a leader , you hire the very best people and then respect their opinions . You can ’ t be the absolute expert on every nook and cranny of the business .

Do you want to be liked or respected ? Respected . It ’ s not a popularity contest . I want to be respected for what I stand for and what I give everybody in the Buffalo Wings & Rings family . It ’ s nice to be liked , but when you earn the respect of your team then you can really make a difference , and that goes so much further when you ’ re leading people and helping them achieve a better life for themselves and their families .
Advice to CEO wannabes : The CEO role is not about yourself , it ’ s about your people . You have to think of them first because people are not going to follow you until you show them that you care . Until you gain their respect , they will never follow you as a leader .
Describe your management style : I am clear about goals , and I manage by tracking goals and metrics . If those goals are achieved , great . But if not , then I turn into more of an advisor to find out how to meet those goals . Communication is key in both success and in finding the opportunity in failure . I ’ m very clear with my team about what I expect and the type of execution we need to grow . Then it ’ s up to me to determine if we are executing at the level necessary to achieve those goals . If we don ’ t , or we are behind on the execution needed , then I have to take a look at how I can set my team up for a better chance at success .
What does your management team look like ? We have a diverse team with a variety of different backgrounds , ages , and genders . It ’ s important to keep a high level of diversity and varied backgrounds on your corporate team because it provides a fuller picture that reflects the guests at our restaurants . We ’ ve made a conscious effort to elevate the brand and make it more accessible to women , families , and other people that the typical “ man cave ” sports bars ignore . So we ’ ve created a “ club level ” sports restaurant experience . Catering to that broader crowd requires input from people with a variety of backgrounds . It gives me the diverse thinking to make
“ The CEO role is not about yourself , it ’ s about your people . You have to think of them first because people are not going to follow you until you show them that you care .”
fully informed decisions that will benefit the brand and our franchisees . With our management team , we can come up with the best alternative solutions to any problem .
How does your management team help you lead ? My team provides me with a venue for consistent and clear dialogue , which allows me to help resolve challenges to the company . By taking our values and culture and instilling them into our team , we ’ ve established a common ground to approach all problems that may arise . I have a team in place that I respect and feel supports the best interests of the brand and our franchisees . Having a management team I trust helps when I have to approach tricky issues in the system or make any tougher decisions .
Favorite management gurus / books ? Jim Collins is a favorite . I always pull valuable insight from each of his books . I ’ m almost finished with Good To Great and it ’ s very inspiring . I also enjoy books by Dale Carnegie , such as How To Win Friends and Influence People , and John Maxwell , especially The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader . Another favorite is Turn the Ship Around ! by David Marquet .
What makes you say , “ Yes , now that ’ s why I do what I do !”? I am inspired any time I see a team member who has gone through a personal development moment . I take pride in seeing somebody else accomplish a goal and the satisfaction that comes from the achievement . When I feel like I ’ ve influenced or changed someone ’ s life , that ’ s my greatest inspiration .
What time do you like to be at your desk ? At 9:30 a . m ., but I like to do a little bit of work at home before I come into the office . I have a specific schedule that I try to maintain , but I leave flexibility throughout the day to leave the office for a variety of activities and conversations to keep things fresh .
Exercise in the morning ? Wine with lunch ? I will exercise in the morning before I come to work and I still play soccer on the weekends . I don ’ t drink with lunch — drinks come at the end of the day , after the work is done .
Do you socialize with your team after work / outside the office ? I ’ ll socialize with the team outside of the office on rare occasions ; it ’ s not on a regular basis . We ’ ll have the occasional happy hour , business dinner , or golf outing . But it ’ s important not to overdo it , and to allow everyone to keep the work-life balance strong .
Last two books read : I ’ m finishing up Good to Great , and just before that I finished Turn the Ship Around !
What technology do you take on the road ? My iPhone is always with me . I can do almost everything with it . I will also carry my laptop with me sometimes for the end of the night at the hotel if I need some more robust work to be done .
How do you relax / balance life and work ? I spend time with my family and really like being an uncle to my nieces and nephews . I enjoy watching movies at the end of the night — non-thinking movies where I can just turn the brain off for a bit to recharge and escape for a bit . I play soccer and occasional golf too .
Favorite vacation destination : I absolutely love the beach . I like the clear water beaches . The Caribbean islands are my favorite .
Favorite occasions to send employees notes : I make sure to send notes on birthdays and for work anniversaries .
Favorite company product / service : Apple and the iPhone . What they ’ ve achieved and how they continue to innovate is outstanding .
10 Franchiseupdate ISSUE III , 2016