Franchise Update Magazine Issue III, 2015 | Page 48

CONSUMER MARKETING CMOroundtable “WHAT ANALYTICS ARE YOU USING TO IMPROVE YOUR MARKETING?” Jen Gulvik SVP Marketing, Creative Director Houlihan’s Restaurants Our marketing has become heavily datadriven this past year upon development of several new business intelligence (BI) systems we’re leveraging. We have a CRM platform that integrates transaction data from our POS system with tokenized credit card data and our large email customer database. Combining those three data sources, we can communicate differently to recent versus lapsed customers or based on what they typically spend or buy. We can also analyze our menu mix by once-per-year customers versus five visits-per-year customers to understand if certain menu items seem to be driving loyalty, for example. We know the visit cadence of guests, so now we analyze both the immediate impact of promotions and again, six months later to see guests’ visit patterns before and after coming in with a promotional offer. Did we cannibalize an expected full-priced visit with the offer? Improve their visit cadence after that offer? Marketing analyses take lifetime value into account. It’s a truer ROI. At the same time, many social media channels have recently launched ad platforms that leverage consumer data, and we’re early adopters. Today we can serve an ad for Houlihan’s new gluten-sensitive menu to someone searching Pinterest for such recipes in the market. We can serve an ad promoting rehearsal dinners at Devon Seafood Grill to area wedding planners on LinkedIn. Or advertise to someone currently on their phone within our trade area searching for happy hour, who has previously visited a competitor location. By st