Franchise Update Magazine Issue III, 2011 | Page 34

don’t analyze the UnIverSe WIth a MIcroScope dIScover the SecretS: 5 categories of the sales process! 3 dozen factors that influence results! Unfortunately, when franchisors attempt to analyze the franchise sales universe, a microscope is often the only tool they use. Ad spend. Lead costs. Close rates. If we look closely enough at the statistics, the answers will magically appear, right? Wrong. As important as the statistics are in assessing the cause of franchise sales’ underperformance — and they are important — a franchisor simply cannot hope to effectively analyze such a complex process with a single analytical tool. Sell More FranchISeS. If you are not getting the franchise sales results that you think you should, give us a call to explain our five-step process to help you identify the problem and create an effective franchise marketing and sales solution. Call 708-957-2300 today to learn how we can help you sell more franchises. ask about our free webinar: “how to Fix your Franchise Sales process.” ® The iFranchise Group is the world’s premier franchise consulting firm. Our consultants have over 500 years of franchise experience and worked with over 98 of the world’s top 200 franchisors as rated by Franchise Times magazine. ad_ifranchise(36).indd 32 Franchise consultants 708-957-2300 · 8/18/11 8:52 AM