Franchise Update Magazine Issue I, 2014 | Page 17

W H Y S A TMETRI X ? WE’L L L ET OU R CU S TO MERS A NS W ER TH A T . I N E E D E D A N E A S Y - T O - U S E S O F T W A R E SOLU T I ON SAT ME T RI X I S A T U RN KE Y SYST E M THAT OF F ER S A N D , MO S T O F A L L , A P A R T NE R WIT H EXP E RT I SE , A LOT FOR T HOSE WHO WAN T T O G ET A LOT OUT W H O H A D A N E X T EN S IV E C L IEN T L IS T AN D HAD OF I T , BU T I T ALSO WORKS FOR T HOSE W HO PUT S E E N MA N Y DIF F E R E N T S IT U A T IO NS . I FOU N D N O E FFORT I N T O I T , AN D T HAT ' S W HAT'S G R EAT W HA T I N E E DE D IN S A T M E T R I X. ABOU T T HE SYST E M. Greg Meyer, Director of Market Research, Anytime Fitness Courtney Carrasco, Director of Marketing & Communications, ShelfGenie C M Y CM MY CY CMY Anytime Fitness is #1 on Entrepreneur magazine’s In a marketplace crowded ShelfGenie is building a brand in a new business keep in constant close touch with what keeps members the customer experience and the true drivers of 2014 Franchise 500 List. with competition, Anytime Fitness uses Satmetrix to category. To do that, the company needs insight into coming back. satisfaction. “Not many franchise systems are both as large and as With Satmetrix, survey response rates soared across franchise system that has more than 2,300 plus decisions. Anytime stimulate on getting this launched. While I'm investing to get “Because a member of one club has access to all other us spread the word, getting the word out there performance of all the others. Sharing Net Promoter “This is vital to our success.” K flexible as Anytime Fitness. If Satmetrix can work in a locations across 14 countries, it can work for anyone.” Fitness uses Satmetrix to all franchises, providing valid data to inform strategic “The social media aspect of Satmetrix really sold me cooperative competition that elevates the brand. survey results, I know that the same software is helping clubs worldwide, every club has some stake in the amongst people who trust each other,” Carasco says. scores promotes a mentality of a rising tide lifts all our ships,” says Meyer. W E I N VI T E Y O U T O S EE F O R Y O U R S EL F. R EQUEST A N O-OBLIGATION DE M O A N D S E E HOW SA TME TRIX P UTS S UCCE S S IN M O T IO N . SAT MET RIX. C OM/FRA NC HIS E