FPS Book 1 October 2013 | Page 9

Our Challenges Sample Challenge The uncertainty of support from the school and staff members might have made it harder for the new teacher to keep the programme going in times of doubt and when help was needed. This may have caused the programme to ‘die’ quickly because of the amount of pressure placed on the one teacher who was also trying to fit into a new school. Many Possible Challenges Brainstormed 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. The new teacher might have found find it hard to achieve support within the school. The school might have considered the program elitist and not supported it. Teacher coming from different state might have had difficulty working out how to manage this demanding program in a new system. The financial cost may have proven to be too great for families and the school. The competition from other well established programs may have been too great. It may have been difficult to find time to learn such an involved process. Communication with students may have proven difficult because the school was large. Students may have decided they didn’t want to do it because of resistance to new ideas. There may have been insufficient program support for coaches from the FPS organisation. There may have been questions about the suitability of some topics to be studied. Students might have been afraid of doing the program for fear of being seen as ’nerds’. As the teacher spent most time with weak students, others may not have been keen on it. It may have been difficult to find training time because most students arrived by buses and trains. There may have been worries that friendships would be damaged because of disagreements over how to approach topics. Other school events like the Music Festival may have taken too much time away from training. Students may have felt the program was too much like classroom activity to do it. 8