FPS Book 1 October 2013 | Page 5

FPS at Our School Components Our students have been competing in Global Issues Problems Solving (GIPS) earlier known as ‘The Booklet Program’; Community Problem Solving (CmPS); and Scenario Writing Process The Unofficial First Step is Research. Research is important so students understand the topic and the given scenario. We also learn facts and ideas we can use in the problem solving process to justify our own thinking. Then we read the scenario. In Global Issues Problem Solving this is an hypothetical situation set in a future time; in Community Problem Solving we write our own scenario. It is called the Area of Concern and explains the situation that needs to be addressed. After this the 6 step problem solving process which leads from problem identification to solution finding is followed. When doing Community Problem Solving (CmPS), teams must implement their best solution ideas. The 6 Step Problem Solving Example in this Book The next fourteen pages, which follow the six steps of the problem solving process, have been written to help coaches new to the program, members of school leadership teams and parents appreciate both the intricacies of the FPS process and what is involved in sustaining a vibrant program in a school. Throughout, the value of the program to students and coaches is highlighted by the many comments from our school’s FPS participants, both past and present, most of whom responded to our surveys. Actual examples of successful student work can be found in an accompanying booklet: Future Problem Solving...Work Samples by Loreto Normanhurst Students Left: Danica, Cara, Nisha and Caitlin get help with setting up Survey Monkey from Mrs Grace Paraino Right: Caitlin, Nisha and Danica look over old photographs 4