Forza Launch Guide - V1 | Page 7

OPTIMISE Everybody wants to be number one on Google. The reality is, it requires a large ongoing budget and significant resource. Laying the foundations for a search engine friendly site should be your starting point if you’re serious about the future rankings of your website. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is complex and ever changing. Put very simply, it’s about relevance and authority. Optimise your site’s content in a structured way. Help search engines identify the relevance of your pages. Identify keywords based on search volume. Balance keyword targeting with usability and user experience. Relevance, or on-page SEO, is all about whether search engines can find information on your site that is relevant to the user’s search term. Authority, or off-page SEO, is how much search engines trust your website and determines where you rank. The rules for both are varied and complex. They change regularly according to the search engine and its algorithms. There are no quick wins. But you can start by making your site relevant to what your audience is searching for. Talk to us about how you can make your site more relevant. 021 2409022 [email protected] 7