Forza Launch Guide - V1 | Page 21

MONITOR Add tracking codes to email campaigns. Create specific landing pages for social media coupons and printed marketing offers. Monitoring activity can help you react accordingly and get the best return on your investment. Understand the impact of your marketing campaigns and the journey your customers take to get the best return on your marketing investmen t. A good place to start is to make sure that Google Analytics is set up correctly. This lets you see the number of visitors, the device they use, where they are, how they found you, the pages they visited, bounce rates and much more. All of this information helps you understand what marketing works and what does not. It gives you an insight to where improvements can be made. There is so much data it can seem overwhelming. We can help you understand what to monitor so that you can plan strategies to improve your website’s performance. Talk to us about how to get this information and how you can use it effectively. 021 2409022 [email protected] 21