Forward Wakeboard Magazine Edition 7 | Page 27

Page Twenty Seven W ay back in Edition 1 we ran an article titled “2011, The year of cable”. As it turned out 2011 was the year of cable; in the UK, Australia, USA, China, Phillipines, Germany, Spain- in fact almost every country except New Zealand. To take you back to the state of cables in 2011, there were two- two tower cables in NZ, with Wellington’s (and NZ’s first) full cable expected by the end of the year. Fast forward nearly 3 years, and what’s new? Well we’ve seen the arrival of Backpaddock lakes - which is hands down one of the best spots in the country, bringing the ability to ride boat and a two tower cable at the same venue. There is also a new setup in Taupo that has just been completed and is well worth a visit, and we’re still waiting for Welington cable to start construction due to a lengthy consent proccess. So whilst positive, is hardly what you would call explosive growth in cables over the past few years. Prompted by Logan Colliers recent video “Why not a cable?” we thouht we would revisit the issue, and work out why we’re still to see the “rise of cable” throughout NZ, and investigating some possible reasons as to why we are still to see our first full cable up and running. Wellington is still set to be NZ’s first full size cablepark, and acc