Forward Issue #4 | Page 10

More Obedient Than Humans

Lately I have been noticing a funny situation in the Bible. It just seems to jump off the pages lately to make me smile. I’m hoping to do that for you through this Sister2Sister.

I love that everything is under the Lord’s control. We humans like to think we take control of our own lives. The Lord did create us with a free will to choose between right and wrong. How different the world would have been had the Lord created robots to worship and obey Him. It is joyous to have the privilege of choosing Christ. We are not forced to love the Lord, we choose to do so, or choose otherwise. Choosing otherwise is foolish, to put it mildly. I often say I would not want to be without the Lord for even one minute. Being in the family of God, a child of God, is mind-boggling.

Even though we chose to accept God’s gift of salvation, receiving Him as our personal Saviour, we continue to make choices – to obey or to disobey. We are tempted constantly to turn from Christ. We need to stay in the Word and communicate with the Lord “without ceasing” to live in obedience.

Looking through the Bible, we see a “group” who seems to have little trouble obeying God. It is no human group, although many humans have lived a life pleasing to the Lord; but how we struggle. Who is this “group?” Animals! Weather! He speaks, they obey instantly.

One of the first times in the Bible we see an “obedient” animal is when Balaam was being disobedient, and his donkey spoke to him, recorded in Numbers 22:28-30. Not only did the donkey speak, but he and Balaam had a conversation. Now, let’s just imagine this scene for a moment. It’s just funny. There is nothing funny about disobeying God, but there is something funny about a donkey and his master having a conversation. You know, even the donkey had to be thinking, “This is so cool. I’ve never actually spoken before.” But as soon as the Lord used Him to get His message across, ol’ Brother Donkey was forever finished talking. We could learn a lesson from that too! If you have nothing to say, don’t say it. Did Balaam ever forget the day his donkey talked to him? Did anyone believe him when he told them?

Sister 2 Sister

Debbie Lavender Blog: Sister2Sister