Forward December 2017 | Page 4


Among friends

Rev ’ d Barry Moss
In JRR Tolkien ’ s Lord of the Rings , there is a scene where the Fellowship find themselves outside the mines of Moria . Gandalf ’ s leadership has brought the faithful company to an entrance to the great home of the Dwarves . When he finds the entrance he translates the elvish , “ The Doors of Durin , Lord of Moria . Speak , friend , and enter .” When asked what it means his response is , quite simply , “ If you are a friend you say the password and you can enter .” He then tried to discern the password , over-thinking the simplicity , or the reality that friends do not need passwords . It is Frodo who reminds him that the clue was already in the writing . He merely had to say the word “ friend ” and the doors would open to the hospitality of the Dwarves .
When Father Philip asked me to write a few words about what it has been like for me to come to Guildford Grammar School the concept of friend was one that struck me . I didn ’ t need to know a complex password . I have been graciously included into the community of the school through its openness and hospitality .
I ’ ve always understood hospitality as an action involving conversation , getting to
know each other , participating in the whole life the school community and importantly , sharing meals . It is more than a passive welcome ; I have been greeted with an active ‘ hospitality ’. The hospitality of the school community has been generous and supportive as I get used to a new culture and role , and navigating SEQTA . Within this I am grateful to have been included and involved in the many activities that make up the life of the school through which I am slowly getting to know people . Whether it has been at Stronghills , preaching under the stars at the Year 8 camp , or getting an appreciation of the devotion that the students have for their House , and how lucky they are to actually have a building that is their own , to involvement in presiding and preaching at chapel services , in a building that , whether it is full of people or with just myself saying the daily offices draws one ’ s mind and heart towards God . In all this being part of a team that seeks to explore religion , philosophy and ethics in a rigorous manner cannot be understated .
There is much more in such a diverse community and I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of the Guildford Grammar School family . In conclusion , I wish the year 12s all the best with their exams and wherever they go .
Rev ’ d Barry Moss Chaplain