FORUM Magazine, Special Edition | Page 4

Dr. Charles Ochero Cornelio “What could Jesus have done differently if He were to retake His human nature today?”…. The year 2013 marks the golden jubilee of the encyclical “Pacem in Terris” which remains a legacy of Pope John XXIII. Given “Bridging our Worlds; Gothe existence of IMCS Pax Roing Beyond Borders”. mana 40 years before this letter was written, Pacem in Terris remains valuable today than ever in our world amidst the troubled humanity. The angelic hymn during the birth of Christ calls for peace on earth while glorifying the name of God. (Luke:2:14) This call for peace had been reechoed in Pacem in Terris, though it seems to be a reality far away from near happening in a world that is growing more secular and capitalistic with each dawn leaving more poor people at the mercy of the rich with the later getting richer at the cost of the former. This reality calls for an urgent need of action from students and all peoples of good will if a reverse of the situation has to be made. As members of IMCS Pax Romana family, we find ourselves obliged to answer the question “What could Jesus have done differently if he were to retake His human nature today?” Answering this question brings us to the spirituality of action. That of feeding the hungry, clothing the naked and visiting the sick among many others which at the same time confirms our theme for the 90th Anniversary of IMCS Pax Romana “Bridging our Worlds; Going Beyond Borders”. It is with a grateful and a humbled heart that I take this opportunity to thank and congratulate each individual member of IMCS Pax Romana family down there in the campus and any servant position , for what s/he is doing for building a safer world for all through the IMCS. Taking the Latin expression “E pluribus Unum”- meaning “out of many one”, indeed, we have come from different parts of the world but became one body and spirit 90 years ago with the single vision of building a better world as an irreplaceable cause. Adopt a Child Program 5 90 years of IMCS Pax Romana: Zambian Experience 6 IMCS Africa Envisioning the centenary 7 What 90 Years of IMCS means for us in Africa 8 9, 10 IMCS Rwanda in Network Building towards Sustainable Development IMCS Pax Romana | Newsletter– Special Edition| 2012-2013 Finding Christ in Students 11, 12 13 Human Right Perspective on Climate Change 14 “Personal Experience” 15, 16 Our Role as Student Leaders: Academics + Faith = Humanity 17 A Graced Night of Confluence & Divergence 18,19 Notable IMCS Former Leaders May peace prevail on earth and I wish you a happy, informative and enjoyable reading of the FORUM! 11, 12 Fuci & the 2nd Vatican Council As we approach the centenary of IMCS Pax Romana, we equally should continue advocating and working for a just society throughout the different levels of our reach, such as the grass roots, educational institutions, the church and ending up in the United Nations halls. I therefore pray that it remains our intellectual and moral obligations to deliver this “political charity” which most modern popes called for through the placement of a human person at the core of their messages. Let us Listen to the Calling of Christ 20 4