Forensics Journal - Stevenson University 2015 | Page 29

FORENSICS JOURNAL to be trustworthy service providers. Some malicious cloud providers may not offer trustworthy services, and as a result, have access to the sensitive information the consumers are storing on the cloud server. dependent on their databases. If a current database possesses up-todate signatures and hacker techniques then a signature-based system is extremely efficient in detecting network intrusions (Brox, 2002). Despite its efficiency in detecting network intrusions, the signaturebased system does have shortcomings. The first disadvantage is that attackers continually learn new techniques to access networks. If the signature is not stored in the IDS database, it will not be able to detect the attack and alert the network administrator (Brox, 2002). The second disadvantage is the lag time it takes to identify the attacks. If the threat does not match any of the current signatures in the database, the attack may go undetected for an increased amount of time before it is identified (Brox, 2002). THE IMPORTANCE OF SECURITY IN THE CLOUD Cloud-based networks are becoming a critical component of the nation’s economy. For cloud providers, security is an integral component of their business plan: adequate fraud detection and prevention measures reassure the customer base. Customers will not want to store data or financial information where a potential theft threat exists. Many users and businesses generate large amounts of data on a daily basis. According to, “90% of all the data in the world has been generated over the last two years” (SINTEF, 2013). More data equates to a higher risk of a data fraud attack and a greater need for data security (Makryllos, 2014). The cloud provider and user may fall victim to the costly consequences of data fraud if proper security controls are not established. Anomaly-based systems identify changes in a network. Network administrators are able to adjust the security threshold so the IDS does not generate an excessive amount of benign alerts. Anomalybased systems require more hardware and skilled personnel but ultimately provide more effective protection against hacker intrusions (Brox, 2002). Because the anomaly-based system uses the combination of hardware and skilled personnel, there is an added element of defense to identify new and emerging types of attacks (Brox, 2002). A common disadvantage with the system is that it is more reliant on company personnel and is labor-intensive, but the system’s effectiveness offers a valuable defense from unauthorized intruders. Security measures need to be stronger as cloud computing makes its transition from a new technology to an everyday technology (Makryllos, 2014). As technology advances, so do the tools and techniques used for fraud (Makryllos, 2014). Strong fraud prevention practices and detection techniques are necessary to maintain data security and adapt to sophisticated data fraud attacks. FRAUD DETECTION IN THE CLOUD IDS are considered to be reactive security systems which require a network intrusion before the intrusion is detected. As the technology advances, the world of computer forensics has introduced a more active intrusion detection system, Network Forensic Analysis Toolkit (NFAT) (Volonino, Anzaldva & Godwin, 2007). NFAT systems are used to “record network traffic related to an intrusion and provide the tools to perform forensic analysis of the event” (Volonino, Anzaldva & Godwin, 2007). NFATs differ from IDS because NFATs are able to recreate and record how the network intrusion occurred. This feature is particularly beneficial for network administrators, such as cloud providers. System administrators benefit from these tools by recreating the incident to learn how the incident occurred and what security measures could prevent the incident from occurring again in the future (Volonino, Anzaldva, & Godwin, 2007). The Internet and cloud-based networks are vulnerable infrastructures. Advancements in technology allow criminals to target victims and access an abundance of information and resources across the globe. Because the Internet connects people on a global level, it is important to maintain proper security measures in order to protect sensitive information. An important factor in maintaining Internet security is the ability to detect network threats and intrusions in a timely manner. The market provides various tools and detection systems to ensure that network intrusions are identified on a timely basis and network security is maintained. Intrusion detection systems (IDS) are used to detect unauthorized users on a network by recognizing anomalies, out-of-the ordinary activity, or registering activity that differ from an established baseline (Volonino, Anzaldua, & Godwin, 2007). A successful IDS is able to recognize unauthorized use, misuse, and abuse occurring on a computer network (Mukherjee, Heberlein, & Levitt, 1994). Intrusion detection systems can be categorized into two types: signature-based and anomaly-based. Network Forensic Analysis Toolkits allow system administrators to detect and monitor a network security breach in real-time. Because the NFAT detects and monitors in real-time, this reduces the lag time between a network attack and a detection alert. System administrators may benefit from this by quickly identifying cyber intrusions (Volonino, Anzaldva, & Godwin, 2007). NFAT systems allow network administrators to protect the network from the attack while it is occurring. With real-time detection systems, the administrators have the ability to identity that an attack is occurring and attempt to counter the attack before damage transpires (Volonino, Anzaldva, & Signature-based systems, similar to antivirus software, attempt to identify known threats by triggering the IDS when a particular threat has the same signature as one of the threats in its database (Volonin