Forensics Journal - Stevenson University 2014 | Page 6

FORENSICS JOURNAL Lasers were setup to measure the movement of these buildings. If a building moved out of specification, the buildings were evacuated. HAZMAT teams were also present to address the hazards related to confined spaces. We were responsible for evidence recovery associated with hazardous materials which included jet fuel, smoke, burned materials, and possible toxic fumes. Another reason we were stationed there was in the event of a second attack, which could possibly have been biological or chemical in nature. I was stationed there for 2-3 weeks following the attacks. Terrorism is an act of violence or disruption to change government action. It is important to characterize certain crimes as acts of terrorism because these types of crimes are the number one priority for FBI resources. With crimes characterized as acts of terrorism, no potential leads go uninvestigated. In addition, the charges for an act of terrorism may carry the death penalty. In the case of international terrorism, this characterization is very important because it invokes the use of the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA Court) instead of the United States criminal court. AS A SPECIAL AGENT AND SUPERVISORY SPECIAL AGENT, YOU WORKED WITH ANTHRAX. WHAT EXACTLY IS ANTHRAX AND HOW IT CAN BE CONTRACTED? GETTING BACK TO THE ANTHRAX ATTACKS, WHAT WERE THE INITIAL STEPS TAKEN TO ANALYZE THE SUSPECTED ANTHRAX? Anthrax is the disease caused by the bacteria; Bacillus anthracis. When an individual is infected by the bacteria, they are said to have contracted Anthrax. Anthrax can be contracted by either inhalational, cutaneous, or gasteointestional means. Cutaneous Anthrax is the most common but is the least lethal whereas, inhalational Anthrax is almost always 100% lethal unless treated immediately but is much less seen. The remedy for inhalational Anthrax is high levels of intravenous antibiotics administered immediately. In 2001 there were 5 fatalities, but there also were several survivors who were put on antibiotics. The first step was to determine the strain of Anthrax bacteria that was being used in the attacks. At the time, there were close to one hundred known strains of the Anthrax bacteria. Only two laboratories in the country had the ability to identify the strain of the Anthrax and because the procedure used was very new at the time, it was important that both laboratories conducted the analysis. Within 24 hours, both of the laboratories conducting the analysis confirmed that the Anthrax used in the attacks was of the Ames strain. The Ames strain was named for the location for where the original strain was believed to be isolated (Ames, Iowa). While it was later discovered the Ames strain actually originated from Texas, the name continued to be used. REGARDING THE ANTHRAX ATTACKS IN 2001, HOW DID THE SITUATION EVOLVE? The Anthrax attacks occurred several weeks following the attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001. At this time, letters were mailed through the U.S. Postal Services which contained various threatening letters accompanied by powdered Anthrax spores. At least three of these letters were mailed to news agencies, while two of them were addressed to United States Senators. Over the course of the Anthrax attacks, 22 people contracted inhalational Anthrax, which resulted in 5 fatalities. Determining the strain was a very important step because early in the investigation, there was no threatening letter to suggest an intentional act. If the strain