Forensics Journal - Stevenson University 2013 | Page 69

STEVENSON UNIVERSITY and the call in the third column is incoming. The “host_identity” and “current_video_audience” fields show the participants in the call, but the “is_incoming” field needs to be referenced to determine who was calling whom. The date and time that a call began is stored as epoch time in “begin_timestamp” (Shafer, Skype Data Experiments). FIGURE 5: Explanation of Transfers Table FIGURE 4: Explanation of Calls Table SMS MESSAGES As a paid feature of Skype, users may send SMS text messages to a cell phone. They can even record a cell phone number to receive SMS replies (Skype, Inc.). Skype tracks the phone number the SMS text message was sent to, as well as the message itself, in both the “messages” and “SMSes” tables of “main.db.” Figure 6 shows the relevant fields of the “messages” table. In the “chatname” field, the sender of the SMS message, in this case “skyperuser,” is displayed, along with the phone number the SMS message was sent to, “1805-555-1212 (Shafer, Skype Data Experiments).” CONTACTS The Skype contact list is stored in the contacts table of “main.db.” Every Skype user can enter a host of demographic information such as country, language, gender, phone numbers, email and addresses. Of course, this information is not checked for accuracy or truthfulness. When a user is logged into Skype, the information for each contact is updated (Shafer, Skype Data Experiments). Since this information is self-entered, it may be helpful in proving intent in certain types of investigations. FIGURE 6: SMS Messages The avatar that the user selected is stored, as blob data, in the “avatar_image” field. As previously mentioned, this image data is stored as standard JPEG data, which can be carved out and made viewable (Shafer, Skype Data Experiments). FILE TRANSFERS During a chat, group chat, voice, video or conference call, Skype enables the participants to send and receive files. The person receiving the file must click to accept the file being sent, therefore files are not received blindly (Shafer, Skype Data Experiments). The information may help prove knowledge for any case in which “knowing” possession is important, such as child-pornography, trade-secret theft or espionage. The “timestamp” field displays the date and time in epoch time. The content of the message itself can be seen in the “body_xml” field. The phone number that the SMS message was sent to is repeated in multiple locations, including the “body_xml,” “identities,” and “dialog_partner” fields (Shafer, Skype Data Experiments). The “SMSes” table tracks more usage and billing information on the SMS message, and phone number that the SMS was sent to is again stored. However, this time it is stored in the “target_number” field of this table. The “reply_to_number” will display the SMS phone number the user entered in Skype to receive SMS replies, and the “body” field will display the content of the message itself. Furthermore, each SMS message will have a blob “target_statuses” field, which can be viewed in HEX. This blob again contains the target phone number (Shafer, Skype Data Experiments). With multiple locations for target Skype tracks the file transfers in the transfers table of “main.db.” If a file was sent, the “type” field will contain a “2” as seen in Figure 5. A received file is marked with a “1.” The starting and ending time of the file transfer, in epoch time, as well as the file name is recorded (see Figure 5). The “filepath” information is the storage location on the computer that is being examined, i.e. “joseph.skyperuser”’s computer. When a file is sent to multiple people during a group chat or conference call, multiple entries are made in the transfers table. One entry exists for each recipient (Shafer, Skype Data Experiments). 68