Forensics Journal - Stevenson University 2013 | Page 65

STEVENSON UNIVERSITY Giannelli, P. C. (2011, Spring). Misleading Expert Testimony. Criminal Justice Magazine, 26(1), 50-51,56. Thompson, W. C. (2009, March 24). Beyond Bad Apples: Analyzing The Role Of Forensic Science In Wrongful Convictions. Southwestern University Law Review, 37, 1028-1050. Goldstein, R. M. (2011). Improving Forensic Science Through State Oversight. Texas Law Review, 90(225), 225-258. Turvey, B. E. (2009, February 25). The NAS Report on Forensic Science: A Forensic Scientist’s response. Crime Reconstruction, 1-17. Koppl, R. (2007). CSI for Real: How To Improve Forensics Science. Fairleigh Dickinson University, Institute For Forensic Science Administration. Reason Foundation. Turvey, B. M. (2004-2008). Forensic Fraud. (Forensic Solutions LLC) Retrieved August 27, 2012, from Forensic Solutions LLC Forensic Fraud Archive: Kurland, M. (2009). Irrefutable Evidence. Chicago, IL, USA: Ivan R. Dee. BROOKE BRVENIK received her Bachelor of Science Degree in Communication from the University of South Florida (Tampa) in 1992. She has over ten years of experience in the Telecommunications and Information Technology sectors, working in Sales and Sales Management. Currently, she is enrolled as a Forensic Studies Graduate student at Stevenson University, studying both Law and Investigations on the interdisciplinary track. In addition, she volunteers as an Investigative Intern at the Baltimore City Office of the Public Defender. National Research Council. (2009). Strengthening Forensic Science In The United States. The National Academy of Science, Committee on Identifying The Needs Of The Forensic Science Community. Washington D.C.: The National Academies Press. Office of Inspector General. (1997). The F.B.I. Laboratory: An Investigation Into Laboratory Practices and Alleged Misconduct in ExplosivesRelated and Other Cases. Executive Summary, U.S. Department Of Justice, Inspector General. Office of the Inspector General. (2004). The FBI DNA Laboratory: A Review of Protocol and Practice Vulnerabilities. Executive Summary, U.S. Department of Justice, Office of the Inspector General, Washington D.C. Pyrek, K. M. (2007). Forensic Science Under Seige. Burlington, MA, USA: Elsevier Academic Press. Richardson, T. (2003, June 5). The Topeka Capital Journal. Retrieved September 28, 2012, from Risinger, M., Saks, M. J., Thompson, W. C., & Rosenthal, R. (2002). The Daubert/Kumho Implications Of Observer Effects in Forensic Science: Hidden Problems of Expectation and Suggestion. California Law Review, 90, 1-56. Salecl, R. (2011, Fall). Perversion and Forensic Science: Fraudulent Testimonies. Social Research An International Quarterly, 78(3), 887906. Schmidt, K. K. (2011, January 31). Propublica. Retrieved from Schmidt, K., & Shaw, A. B. (2011, January 31). ProPublica. Retrieved from Thompson, W. C. (2006, January). Tarnish On The “Gold Standard”: Understanding Recent Problems In Forensic DNA Testing. The Champion. 64