Forensics Journal - Stevenson University 2011 | Page 22

STEVENSON UNIVERSITY TABLE 6: Rf VALUES OUTSIDE 95% RANGE OF AVERAGE Rf VALUES FROM AFG PLATES SOLVENT SYSTEM BLACK BP OVER ADG 3 BDG BLACK BP UNDER BLACK NBP OVER 8 AEG 1 CEG BLUE BP UNDER BLUE NBP OVER BLUE NBP UNDER TOTAL INCONSISTENCIES 4 1 3 3 19 43 3 37 17 59 15 12 47 4 2 13 2 5 1 12 30 3 9 1 6 BEG BLUE BP OVER 5 4 CDG BLACK NBP UNDER 1 50 1 BFG 10 12 22 40 84 CFG 32 49 52 51 184 41 34 108 21 24 63 35 36 76 46 52 122 2 24 7 54 8 BDH 17 7 24 1 1 8 178 AFG ADH 6 55 1 23 CDH 5 AEH 21 BEH 21 CEH 16 1 11 2 5 1 1 AFH 1 3 2 2 2 9 2 BFH 10 6 3 17 3 CFH 20 14 2 13 18 AIH 3 11 15 BIH 8 1 1 1 1 1 13 CIH 30 1 8 1 36 AIG 2 3 1 BIG 12 8 CIG 21 18 3 1 5 37 9 30 39 68 3 37 107 1 1 9 8 1 31 1 1 1 2 The number of total inconsistencies, found in Table 6, was compared to the average grade of each solvent system. The average grade was computed using the three grades found in Table 5. The side-by-side comparisons can be found in Table 7. The average grade and total inconsistencies of the Rf values were compared side-by-side to determine any trends. The solvent system combinations were then placed 1 31 1 43 in order by the number of total inconsistencies. There was a general trend that showed plates with smaller numbers of outlying Rf values had a lower score for separation and clarity. However, not all plates had the same correlation. Both the plate with the smallest number of outliers and the greatest number of outlying Rf va