Foreign Comic Collector issue 1 | Page 8

unique. At the time I'm writing this my collection contains about 695 various foreign editions from at least 22 different countries. Written by LSComics If you would like to contact LSComics email him at [email protected] LSComics amazing Mexican Novaro collection! When I first set out on the endeavor of collecting foreign books my goal was rather simple. Or so I thought. The one book I wanted most, after I discovered that Editorial Novaro had reprinted a significant amount of DC material, was, by their numbering, Batman #623. It's the Mexican equivalent of Batman #232 here in the US and features the first appearance of Ra's Al Ghul, my favorite villain and in my opinion some of Neal Adams finest work with writer Denny O'Neil. Little did I know what lay ahead of me in accomplishing this task. I searched and searched in what, after several months, seemed like vain to find a copy, any copy of this book. It eluded me for a good long time. Finally a copy turned up on ebay in the US. It was a little rough, with had tape along a little over half of the spine. I didn't care, I wanted it and would bid aggressively to own it. The starting bid was $24.99 and the auction was set to run for five days. I put it on my watch list and checked back on it frequently to see if there were any bids yet. Nothing, no one seemed to notice it, probably because it was listed by the Novaro issue number with no reference to it's American counterpart. The final day of the auction arrived, more specifically the final hour. I was fortunate enough to be able to be home and in front of my computer at the time. The clock ticked down to 54 minutes, 38 minutes, 22 minutes. Still no bids. When it reached the 5 minute mark I placed a bid of $50 hoping it would be enough to win. When it reached the final minute I could feel my heart beating faster, I really wanted this book. With thirty seconds left I refreshed the screen, no change in the bid. Finally it hit the final ten seconds, then five, four, three, two. The auction was over, I had won for the minimum bid. I didn't care that it was a low grade copy with tape on the spine, I'd been looking for months and coming up empty handed but now I had found it unaware of what it would lead to. Batman #232 Mexico CGC Witching Hour #1 Mexico HOM #174 Mexico HOS #81 Mexico As the next few month passed I continued to research just what was out there waiting to be found and with the help of a few new friends who also collected foreign editions learned that Novaro had published a plethora of DC content for the Spanish speaking populace. My interest and want list grew Page 8 Do you have an idea for a foreign related story or information you would like to share? Contact [email protected] and share away.....