Foothills Times January 2014 | Page 6

Dolphins...Protectors of the Sea The Fight to Reach The Scared Waters by Angie Carpenter Chapter 3 The Patrol had been swimming for hours, only stopping for a short break to eat. However, the icy waters from the North had taken a toll on the dolphins. They were exhausted and decided to find a safe place to rest. They reached an island with a small rocky bay. Sway explained, “We shall rest here until the sun rises over these waters. The rocks will protect us from any dangers, then we will continue in our journey.” As they began to relax a little they heard a strange cry. Suddenly they saw, over by the edge of the shore was a young seal. Grace calmly swam toward the youngster and asked, “Are you lost small one? Where is your family?” Scared she slowly answered, “The...the...the sharks....” Grace tried to reassure the small seal, “We are dolphins, not sharks. You are safe now. My name is Grace. Those are friends. Don't be afraid, we won't hurt you.” Carefully the rest of the dolphins swam closer to Grace. Kip asked, “What about the sharks?” Still crying, the seal tried to explain, “My name is Darci. My family was trying to escape the sharks from the Northern Waters. But, they followed us and then attacked. I hid until the sharks left and swam as fast as I could. I found this island. I don't know where to go or what to do. I am hungry, lonely and scared. I have been here for days. I don't want to go back into the water.” Ora said, “Perhaps we can get you to a safer place. What do you think, Sway?” Sway thought for a moment and then said, “We too are in unfamiliar waters. Where do you suggest we lead her to?” Pan suggested, “Maybe she could swim with us to The Scared Waters.” Dash objected, “We have no idea what awaits us there. We did not come on this mission to babysit a young seal. No offense, but she will slow us down and we must not be distracted.” Chip disagreed, “Is it not our responsibility to get this stranded orphan to a safer place? We ARE the protectors of the sea.” Suddenly Darci gasped, “FINS!!!! The sharks are here!!!” Quickly the dolphins turned just in time to see 3 sharks coming into the bay straight for them. The Dolphin Patrol split up and jumped out of the water, landed just behind the sharks. Jet shouted, “Come on. We are ready for a fight.” The sharks were strong and furious as they attacked. One shark grabbed Jet by his tail, ripping it as he flung Jet out of the water and landed on the rocks. Darci rushed to his aid. As Ora slammed into the side of the shark. Grace joined her, they pounded him until he died. Sway and Dash fought hard against another and took him down as well. Pan and Kip were fighting the third shark when the rest of the Dolphin Patrol encircled them. “Why must you fight us?” Sway demanded as he continued to swim circles around the angry shark. The shark began to laugh, “You think we don't know you are hiding Aroara. You can't keep her from us. This battle is not over. You act as though you have won. Our army is strong. We will find her and we will take back control of the sea. Kill me or let me go. We will not stop until there are no more dolphins! Concrete will rule again!” Grace pleaded, “Concrete? Surely, you can see that we do not have any Aroara with us. Why would you be so foolish to attack so many random animals of the sea? And why, why do you feel the need to control the sea?” The shark shouted, “Foolish? Fight me now and we shall see who is foolish.” Drifty yelled, “Patrol volley right!”All at once the Patrol came into formation. Darci watched breathlessly as the dolphins fought so strong and hard, flinging the shark out of the water and batting him back and forth like they were playing catch with a ball. With the flick of his tail, Flash flung the shark high into the air. Kip jumped up and rammed the shark midair, sending him crashing onto the rocks near Jet and Darci. The shark lay motionless. The Patrol swam quickly t