Foothills Times January 2014 | Page 57

Is it better to be single or married? "It's better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need somebody to clean up after them!" (Girl, 9) What most people are thinking when they say ‘I Love you’... "The person is thinking: Yeah, I really do love him. But I hope he showers at least once a day." (Girl, 9) How to make love endure... "Don't forget your wife's name...That will mess up the love." (Boy, 8) What is Love? “Love is when you tell a boy he is wearing a beautiful shirt...even though he wears the same one everyday.” (Girl,7) What exactly is marriage? "Marriage is when you get to keep your girl and don't have to give her back to her parents!" (Boy, 6) What do most people do on a date? "Many daters just eat pork chops and french fries and talk about love." (Boy, 9) Why love happens between two particular people... "One of the people has freckles and so he finds somebody else who has freckles too." (Boy, 6) Qualities you need to have to be married... "One of you should know how to write a check. Because, even if you h