Foodpdf.pdf (April. 2014) | Page 29

Prepare: Tuna chipotle pate 1 Buy 3 cans of tuna, 1 can of chipotle, cream cheese, vinager, sald and pepper. 2 Serve all the cans in a bowls, but firt don´t forget to wash tha cans roughly. 3 After this put some chipotle, and stir for 45 seconds. 4 Open the cream cheese and put it in the bowl too, stir again. 5 Add a spoon of vinager, be careful. 6 Finally pour a few salt and pepper as you wish. 7 Stir the blend to incorpórate everything. 8 If you want, buy some salt cookies to serve with the pate. How to by: Ana Bretón