Foodmate | InsideTrack Jan 2016 IPPE | Page 2

2 3 Welcome Foodmate Insider! MAXIMA · Breast Cap Deboner 10 CUT-UP SOLUTIONS · Complete Range of Cut-up Solutions 12 SUCCESS STORY · GEORGE’S Phase 2 13 Here we grow again · Foodmate Systems around the world 14 OPTI XL LEG PROCESSOR | FH FRONT CUT HALVING MACHINE 16 OPTI THIGH DEBONER · Optimal Yields Delivered! Worldwide 18 PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION CONTROL · Grading and Weighing Solutions 19 Asset Integrity Program (AIP) · Let us “ontzorg” you! 20 foodmate academy · Excellence is our Goal Trend Watch: Innovation and automation is now a necessity The Holiday Season and the month of January is a To support our tremendous growth, we have been period that David and I reflect on the year passed very fortunate that even in a tight labor market, we and look ahead to a new and exciting year to come. have been able to hire many highly experienced and Although we prefer to look ahead and not dwell in talented people and grow our global staff to 150 em- the past, we want to take a moment and reflect on ployees. David and I are proud to be able to provide 2015 because it was a special year in which Foodmate leadership to such a hard working and dedicated reached several milestones. team and would like to thank them for their dedica- At the time we write this article, we are hearing 2016 and the coming years will be about ac- tion and team efforts! about $20 barrels of oil, animal welfare, tigh- countability. While cost cutting and EBIT will year in which we made our big breakthrough in se- Despite a recent moderate market slow down, Food- tening labor markets, and the U.S. presidential always be a key metric, accountability will veral areas of our business. We attribute much of this mate remains optimistic about 2016. Though market elections. What do all these items have in com- be necessary. Our industry will need to be success to the resources we have invested over the requirements appear to be changing, labor issues are last couple of years in innovation and our employees. still a priority for the Poultry Industry, which require in- mon, not much more than some uncertainty. accountable for how margins are realized Our focused market approach puts Foodmate in a vestments in automation. What we are, however, certain of is that we can through transparency and innovation. Should find analysts and advisors that will equally tell labor markets continue to tighten and mini- us diabolical opposing opinions. That said, we mum wages be raised, the poultry proces- ter. We invite you to an on-demand live demonstra- can’t pretend to have a crystal ball and predict sing industry will need to find innovative and In 2015, Foodmate installed 21 large Cut-up systems tion to see the new Maxima Breast Deboner which the future. automated ways to remain competitive in an with production and distribution controls utilizing has many new features. In addition we will be intro- weighing and InVision grading, automated transfer ducing a new feature for the already successful OPTI We believe the coming years will show an in- machines, whole bird distribution and logistical solu- LTD Whole Leg Deboner, the Automatic Knee-Cap creased focus on animal welfare, minimum wa- tions. Remover. ges, and food safety. It is clear that the general For those of you that know Foodmate know Our largest Cut-up project comprised of 6 Flex Cut- Outside the Inspirience Center you will find various public has become increasingly interested in that our cornerstone is automation without sa- up lines including 6,200 cut-up shackles, over 2 miles new and upgraded Cut-up modules and live demon- food safety and the general public wants to crificing yield, throughput or quality. We pride of overhead conveyor, 12 Vision Grading Cameras, 6 strations of our ChickSort Weighing and Vision Gra- Front Half Cutters with bypass, Wing Cutters, Leg Pro- ding technology. know where their food has come from, what’s ourselves on automating tasks that are best in it, and that the supplier is a good steward of served by consistent results - Monday or Fri- the land and the natural resources they have day, 8AM or midnight, holiday or weekend, it been entrusted with. The public wants to know does not matter. Foodmate’s equipment is designed to deliver predicable results. For a young company like Foodmate, 2015 was the great position to meet the strong demand for Cut-up and Deboning Automation in the global market, and particularly in the North American market. cessors, Breast Processors on each line and 21 Drum and Thigh Cutters with bypassing capabilities. This year at IPPE 2016, Foodmate will be featuring new innovations in our highly anticipated Inspirience Cen- The Foodmate Team feels F