Food Traveler Magazine Summer 2017 | Page 14

tips expert A new coat of paint should be neutral to allow for pops of color within the yard, porch, décor, and the home's trim. Curb APPEAL Curb appeal is most important on first impressions. The moment someone arrives, they will take note of the home's exterior look. Is the paint faded? Does the yard need watering? Is the front entrance inviting? If not, try adding pops of color and repainting the exterior for a fresh look. A new coat of paint should be a neutral color to allow for pops of color within the yard, porch décor, and the home’s trim. Trim should be a slightly darker color than the main paint choice, per- haps a beige shade overall, with taupe trim. Upgrade the front porch by adding a bench or another form of seating, a few brightly-colored throw pillows, and some hanging plants or a larger, potted plant at the base. If you have a walkway, this should be pressure-washed to clear out any old dirt and grime 12 | Summer 2017 | Food Traveler that has been building up over the years. Add fertilizer to your lawn and plant small trees and flowers around the edges of your porch. If your walkway is substantial, you may add stone pavers or solar lights along the edges to create a more fluid entry and provide boundaries. Don’t overplant. A few bushes and flowers with one or two bright colors makes for a beautiful front lawn, and adds just enough style to be warm and comforting, while still remaining functional. Overplanting can also lead to a high-maintenance yard, and since this is your vacation property, you won’t be there to maintain it year-round. Opt for plants that need little to no care, but still look pretty.